Tallow Lip Balm
•Tallow Lip Balm•🌱
Hydrate and Nourish your lips, the Traditional way 🤍This Tallow is sourced fresh off Southern Ontario small farms. Not only do these animals live their whole lives ethically but they are out on Pasture, grazing on farms that practice regenerative agriculture which is tremendously beneficial to the environment, and eating their native diets making this Tallow extremely nutritious .
This recipe is 60% Tallow
✨Tallow- This is the key ingredient. This Tallow is Pasture raised and Grassfed! I am a big believer in Ancestral Traditions and Practices. Before manmade chemicals hit the mainstream market, our ancestors would use Tallow to nourish and moisturize their skin. It’s high in vitamins A, D, K & E & fatty acids which provides the foundation for absorption and assimilation of the fat soluble activators. What makes Tallow THE BEST skin care solution is its compatibility with our biological composition allowing complete absorption and nourishment while repairing damaged skin & improving skin flexibility and suppleness.If I had to recommend or use just 1 skin care ingredient, it would be Tallow HANDS DOWN. You will be amazed, I promise ;)
Tallow blends with a bit of Shea butter & Beeswax + a few drops of Pure high Quality Organic Essential oil (or choose non scented)
This Luxurious, Silky and Decadent Traditional Lip Butter leaves your lips completely hydrated while promoting skin cell regeneration and HEALING! There is nothing quite like Tallow. 💫
All organic, All Natural - ALWAYS !!!💫-
Chocolate - Contains no essential oils. The smell comes from the Organic Cocoa Powder and Cocoa Butter 🤎 great option for those with sensitive skin or don’t react well to essential oils but still want to enjoy a scent If you have any scent combos you’d like, send me a message as I have quite the essential oil collection and would be happy to custom one for you ! ❤️ ❤️